
All posts tagged Fitness

That’s month 1 of the fitness mission complete.

Strength: Improved

Despite not doing that many body area specific workouts, the weights I’m using feel easier. Clearly the fat burn workout using only body weights is helping with this as it targets pretty much all muscle groups.

Stamina: Improved

Now running my warm up and cool down (not really a good down, more of a cardio bookend) at speed 12 on the tread mill rather than 9-9.5 as I was at the start of the month.

Weight: Decreased

Not quite a stone since the start of the month but only 0.1kg away from it.

This Saturday (19th Jan) saw the second session of the 2018-19 Scottish Motor Sports Academy programme being held at Knockhill Racing Circuit.

The SMS Academy coaching team delivered sessions and facilitated discussions on fitness, nutrition & hydration and an introduction to sports psychology with the athletes.

Additionally, Motorsports UK Level 4 coach, James Wozencroft attended to deliver the Introduction to Coaching course to the athletes’ parents.

…and create some new hurts whilst I’m doing it! Giving away my age a bit with that song lyric, but it’s on my gym playlist so I went with it.

2 weeks in, I’m starting to see change and not just on the scales. Belly is gradually being beaten in to submission!

Aside from the shape change, I feel physically better for having done more exercise. In the mornings I feel more alive and alert having done my gym session before work.

Sweating out endless hours of cardio is fine if it is needed for your goals, it’s not needed for mine. So all my workouts have been under 20mins, from warm up to cool down.

Overall body fat percentage has dropped along with weight, down 2%, but that still leaves around 14% left to go.

Weight loss has been steady and I’ve been paying lots of attention to my macros tracked on MyFitnessPal. Again, it’s important to know your goal and if what you are doing supports that goal.

Strength is building nicely, I’m not trying to get big, but I’m already able to do more reps in my circuits.

Going for some tech talk briefly here, NEAT being “Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.”

So what’s that when it’s at home? Well, basically it’s any and all energy used which isn’t through eating, sleeping and exercising.

This is really the crux of the “eat less, do more” school of thought for weight loss. The thing that makes it great is it’s really easy to do.

Take the stairs, not the lift or escalator. Walk to the shop instead of taking the car. Go to the toilet at the other end of the building, not the one just across from your office.

Sure, I’ve not been perfect, I’ve not hit my target steps every day. Check out the average though, 2,500 more steps a day so far this year compared to last year.

It’s simple changes like this that can make a real difference in your activity levels and overall weight.