Started preparing the gearbox and diff for refreshing. Both have minor leaks with major mucky consequences!
The diff appears to be leaking through the centre of the input drive flange. In hindsight, I knew this when I removed it and I should have drained it at the time. But I didn’t, so I now have a storage box that reeks of cat pish :hehe:
The bigger issue is, I won’t be able to accurately gauge how much oil was in the diff and if the leak has caused it to run low. I doubt it has and I’ll check the remainder for metal contamination anyways. The more immediate consequence is that over the years the fine film of oil getting spread over the housing has combined with road grit to form a thick layer of grime, somewhat like roofing tar on a hot day.
I’ve promised the wife no further workshop expansion until the new house is built. Obviously I’m not going to stick to that, but a parts washer isn’t going to fly under the radar! So it’s going to be an elbow degreasing, starting out with repurposing a window ice scraper.
Then in to the chemical weapons…
After a shed load of soaking and scrubbing, definite progress
Then on to the gearbox, thankfully, the easier part.